Saturday 7 March 2015

One challenge, not a problem, in SCM

SCMreview 7 March 2015: vol. 1 no. 2

One scientific article from Lambert and Cooper (2000), the old enough article, was chosen to be reviewed for SCMreview today. It is about the most noticeable issue in SCM, the integration. One issue, indeed, is not always the problem. The issue should be a challenge when it’s seen from positive point of view. The integration is definitely one issue in SCM. SCM has to play the role in optimally realising the cross-function, cross-intention and cross-culture integration. The integration naturally aims to make the market broader, find new loyal customers, or capture other prospective opportunities. Lambert and Cooper (2000) obviously mentioned that the challenge in SCM implementation is to determine how to successfully accomplish the integration. They mentioned as well that the SCM is a new way, at least in the early 2000s, to manage the business and its relationships.

The terms cross-thing above are key issues in SCM execution. One industry cannot be – functionally, intentionally, and culturally – realised by – only – one individual company, it has to be integrated in one – initiatively or naturally – developed network. The internet and communication technologies are two kinds of – embedded – technology that can probably optimise the integration and shift it become new opportunity for all SCM players. In fact, the integration in SCM is not a problem anymore, it is only a challenge or a new – considerable – opportunity for SCM players, as well for SCM researchers and technology industry actors. [dnu]

Lambert DM, Cooper MC. 2000. Issues in supply chain management. Industrial Marketing Management (29) 1: 65 – 83.